DVBT Signal- BGT3540 v BGT3595?

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DVBT Signal- BGT3540 v BGT3595?


Post by Wheeker » Thu Apr 25, 2024 10:57 am

I'm getting the attic converted so have had to lose my attic DTT aerial :roll: . Always got c.70% signal on WMC (W10), though now & again got pixelation, with my Blackgold BGT3540. I installed one of these aerials instead https://www.satworld.ie/revez-t80-clip-on-aerial.html as it's discreet & clips onto Satellite dish which is roughly in direction of nearest transmitter. Was assured by shop that it would definitely work in my area. So now I'm getting 1% signal which fails now & then and freezes! Thing is, my TV inbuilt tuner gets a great signal no problem? :? Does WMC have lower tuner sensitivity than standard TV tuners? I also have a BGT3595 I was going to try- would the DVBT sensititvity be better with this card? (N.B. Ireland transmits HD DTT via DVBT not DVBT2). Otherwise will have to rethink my aerial solution.....


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Post by Wheeker » Mon Apr 29, 2024 11:00 pm

So swapped the BGT3540 for the BGT3595. Ran Clean Set-up using EPG123. I get no channels detected for DVBT. If I plug the same aerial cable into my bog-standard LG TV- all channels are showing perfectly! Is this WMC DVBT tuner sensitivity just rejecting the signal as too weak, even though it's fine for my TV? Is there a way to change it? I also have a TBS 6280 I could try, but it seems to me this is a WMC software issue & if I want to continue to use it for DVBT I will have to go back to a bigger aerial.


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Post by Wheeker » Tue May 14, 2024 2:10 pm

So just to update in case anyone was following this (or am I talking to myself?!). I kept trying EPG123 Clean set-ups until I finally, somehow, detected some DVB-T channels. Signal Quality was 1% though? Then one day, for no good reason, signal quality on all DVB-T channels changed to 100%, perfect picture, better than I ever had before with the attic aerial! Not sure if switching to the BGT3595 made any difference or not, but a good outcome anyhow. Also now I have 4x DVB-S2 tuners.

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