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Post by aseries » Sat Apr 20, 2019 6:03 pm

A couple days ago I installed a HDHOMERUN CONNECT QUATRO. It is connected to my homemade 4-bay bow-tie antenna and receiving local channels through an outside wall. I am not yet a cord-cutter as such but I wanted to checkout the content on the 32 local channels I can detect. Then I will experiment with some different DIY antennas.
The CONNECT delivers TV to any PC or Android device on my home network. I have been using a HDHOMERUN Prime with Comcast for 5 years. I am grandfathered into the DVR subscription service from the Kickstarter campaign 4 years ago. The CONNECT very nearly installed itself and it runs nicely side by side with the PRIME. The Windows 10 Player/DVR integrated all the Cable and OTA channels together to record content on my Synology NAS. Amazon Fire TV has a HDHOMERUN App where I can see content on my TVs.
I was a big time WMC user for a long time with a used HP TV tuner card until Comcast went encrypted. I went through a lot of really crappy USB TV dongles. They all had the same problem...when HD TV became common they would just flat burn up. This is the same problem you get with the so-called PC-on-a-stick, they can't handle the heat generated by HD video. HDHOMERUN PRIME is a real winner in my book. I tried to jump through all the hoops to make WMC work with Windows 10 but I finally gave up and stuck with 100% HDHOMERUN and DVR.
HDHOMERUN is designed for the DVR to use a Network Attached Storage device. Synology NAS works really well with me. I tried building my own Linux based NAS but always ran afoul of the tricky security HDHOMERUN needs. You can run DVR without one but I use multiple PCs. Recording with DVR with multiple PCs causes some really weird storage issues. Once a DVR recording schedule is established a PC is no longer required on line. The HDHOMERUN, NAS and network record content on the NAS storage auromagically.

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