How to view WMC current TV Settings (set-top-box)

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How to view WMC current TV Settings (set-top-box)


Post by fyiman » Sat Mar 22, 2014 9:25 pm

I have had to go through the "Settings -> TV -> Set Up TV Signal" process a few times.

In this process, the choices for the "Set top box", did not include the particular one I have, which is a Comcast Xfinity branded "Page RNG-110-RF" box.

Previously, I tried various settings and got it working, but it was a little unreliable. Sometimes, particularly for higher numbered channels (generally above 200), the set-top-box would miss the IR signal for the high digit and end up on the wrong channel. For example, if it was changing to channel 529 or 260, the 5 or the 2 (high digit) would be somehow missed and it would end up on channel 29 or 60.

At some point, WMC "broke" and the set-top-box wouldn't recognise anything from the IR transmitter, and I had to go through the whole "Settings -> TV -> Set Up TV Signal" process again.

This time, whatever choices I made, it's working much more reliably (no hardware changes) than before and I haven't seen a single case of this "missed digit" since then.

I know, I should have taken some screenshots during the setup, but it's very much a trial and error process, which would mean lots of screenshots of non-working configurations.

I want to find out what the settings that the current (working) configuration is using, so that if I need to re-run "TV Setup" again in the future, I can make the same choices I made last time so I'll (hopefully) have the best chance of a reliable configuration.

Is there a way to view the current settings for "Settings -> TV -> Set Up TV Signal" ? I have looked through the menu choices on WMC and I haven't found anything (aside from re-running "TV-Setup" again, which may or may not show me the current setting, and may or may not leave me with a working configuration).

Is there a way, by examining the Windows Registry, or examining some files, or running some utility-program (or something I missed in the WMC menus), to view this information?


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Post by barnabas1969 » Tue Mar 25, 2014 3:25 am

Dump the STB. Buy a CableCARD tuner like the Silicondust HD HomeRun PRIME. You'll be much happier, and save money every month.

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